Ulrich Konigorski
Ulrich KonigorskiProf. Dr.-Ing. U. Konigorski Technische Universitat Darmstadt Institute of Automatic Control Fachgebiet Regelungstechnik und Mechatronik D-64283 Darmstadt, Landgraf-Georg-Straße 4, GERMANY Tel.: +49 6151 16-3014 Fax: +49 6151 16-6114 ukonigorski@iat.tu-darmstadt.de The research activities are mainly focused in the following fields: * Modelling, analysis and control of mechatronic systems with special emphasis on automotive systems * Iterative learning control and applications * Analysis and control of distributed parameter systems * Discrete event systems * Robust control * Multirate control systems * Application of numerical methods in systems theory * Identification and control of nonlinear systems * Design and realization of digital control algorithms * Application of orthogonal functions in systems theory with special emphasis on Walsh functions home page: http://www.iat.tu-darmstadt.de/rtm