Dzmitry Tretsiak

Dzmitry Tretsiak2 

 Business Address:

Dresden University of Technology,

Dresden Institute of Automobile Engineering – IAD,

Department of Vehicle Mechatronics.

Chemnitzer Straße 48a,

01187 Dresden, Germany


MechEng, PhD.


Member of Academic Staff, Dresden University of Technology, Institute for Automotive Technologies Dresden – IAD, Department of Vehicle Mechatronics, Dresden, Germany.

Research: Vehicle Safety, Simulation of Vehicle Braking Dynamics, Automotive Control Systems. 

DAAD Scholarship Holder (German Academic Exchange Service), Ilmenau University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Automotive Engineering, Ilmenau, Germany – Guest Researcher.

DAAD Scholarship Holder (German Academic Exchange Service), Dresden University of Technology, Dresden Institute of Automobile Engineering – IAD, Department of Vehicle Mechatronics, Dresden, Germany – Guest Researcher.

FISITA Student Travel Bursary Holder, Ilmenau University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Automotive Engineering, Ilmenau, Germany – Guest Researcher.

 Author and co-author of 20 publications and 3 patents, 10 of them in peer reviewed journals (7 in Russian), 10 in international conferences (3 in Russian), 2 national Belarusian and one German national patent.