Enrico Raffone



Chassis - Control Systems & Performances
Centro Ricerche FIAT S.c.p.A.
Strada Torino 50, 10043 Orbassano (Turin), Italy
e-mail: enrico.raffone@crf.it
site: www.crf.it

Enrico Raffone received the M.Sc. in Automatic Control and Computer Science Engineering in 2006. He worked as Automotive Researcher at STMicroelectronics, and then, from 2007 in FIAT Research Center - Vehicle Control Systems Department. His main activities are about Automotive Chassis Systems, in particular on steering/braking control systems and vehicle state estimation. He's working as Control Systems Researcher/Specialist/Activity Technical Responsible in public or private research projects, in particular is involved as control expert across algorithm design, software development and technical guidance in innovation initiatives for FGA - Fiat Group Automobiles, CNH - Case New Holland, and in the past Ferrari GES.