Guillaume Colin
Guillaume COLIN
Associate Professor at University of Orléans (France) 8, rue Léonard de Vinci 45072 Orléans Cedex 2 - FRANCE Mail: Tel: +33 2 38 49 24 20 |
Guillaume COLIN was born in 1980 (34 years old) in Metz, France. He
received the Engineer Diploma of ESSTIN in 2003, as well as a Master Degree
in Automatic Control from Nancy University. He received his PhD Degree in
Energetics from the University of Orleans, in 2006. Since 2007, he is an
Associate Professor at the University of Orleans in the PRISME laboratory
and teaches in an engineer school, Polytech Orleans. In 2013, he received
its Habilitation to Conduct Researches from the University of Orleans. His
research interests concern modeling and control of energetic systems such as
engines and hybrid vehicles with robust and nonlinear control theories. In
2014, he has supervised 4 defended PhD thesis and supervises actually 3 PhD
students. He has several collaborations with industry (e.g. Renault, PSA,
D2T) and with universities (e.g. Supelec, Bordeaux, Nancy, ETH Zurich). In
2014, his researches have been valorized by 17 articles in international
papers, 31 international conferences and 9 national conferences and 3