Myoungho Sunwoo

Myoungho SunwooPh.D Professor,Director of ACE Lab, Dept. of Automotive Engineering Hanyang University 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu Seoul 133-791, Korea w)+82-2-2220-0453, fax)+82-2-2297-5495 c) +82-11-270-0453 Professor Myoungho Sunwoo focuses on the design and development of control and electronic systems for next generation vehicle. Especially, Sunwoo has concentrated on the development of vehicle system modeling and optimal control algorithm for network based control system, a bus-load simulator for optimal network design, and Network based HILS named Net-HILS. He has successfully accomplished many industrial-educational joint research projects. Due to his remarkable research achievements, Sunwoo became a Director of ACE Lab (Automotive Control & Electronics Lab) which is a University research institute at Hanyang University. Sunwoo has performed various research projects with local and international companies. On January 6th 2000, ACE Lab and Motorola agreed a ten-year research contract for providing the system solutions of automotive electronic control systems for Korean motor manufacturers and suppliers. ACE Lab has signed a joint research contract with CERT(Center for Environmental Research and Technology) of UCR(University of California-Riverside) which is one of the leading research institutes in the world in the area of automotive emission studies in August 2000. In the year 2001, Sunwoo has formed a research consortium to perform a long-term research work of network-based electronic control systems conjunction with Hyundai/Kia Motors, Hyundai MOBIS, KEFICO and NGV.