
To have your activity posted in this section, send a short summary to the TC Chair.
ALCOS 2019 Venue

The Venue of ALCOS 2019 is the university of Southampton, U.K.


Following a one month discussion within TC1.2, it was decided that, ALCOSP, the flagship event of this TC should be renamed ALCOS. Also, PSYCO series will be stopped.

TC1.2 Virtual meeting in 2020
Jul 27, 2024 from 05:00 AM to 06:00 AM

The 2020 annual meeting of TC1.2 will be held on 9th july, 15h-16h. It will be a webconference virtual meeting. The agenda includes: - TC activity report for the triennial 2017-2020. - Venue Proposals for ALCOS 2022 - Future plans - Other businesses