TC 1.5. Networked Systems
Welcome Message from the Chair
The focus of TC 1.5 is on Networked Systems in the broadest sense. Networked systems are complex dynamical systems composed of a large number of simple subsystems interacting through one or more communication media. Both control systems operating over (resource-constrained) communication networks and multi-agent systems (and their combination) are at the heart of this TC. Networked systems arise as natural models in many areas of engineering and sciences, such as autonomous unmanned vehicles, cooperative robotics, smart grids, biological networks, internet-of-things and many more.
If your interests match with the current state of the art in the domain of networked systems, if you need to find recent applications in this area or you want to be close to mature and recent solutions, you are welcome to cooperate with this Technical Committee.

Luca Schenato
University of Padova
Chair of TC 1.5