Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jianhua Zhang


School of Information Science and EngineeringProf Jianhua Zhang

East China University of Science and Technology

130 Meilong Road

Shanghai 200237









+86-(0)21-6425 3808 (O)






Jianhua ZHANG was born in Shaanxi, China in 1971. He received MSc degree in control engineering from Beijing University of Technology, China, in April 1996 and Dr.-Ing. (equ. PhD) degree in electrical engineering and information sciences from Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany in Feb. 2005. Between 1999 and 2002 he was with School of Electronic Information & Control Engineering, Beijing University of Technology where he became a Lecturer in 2000. Afterwards he worked for three years as Guest Scientist and Scientific Coworker, concentrating on electroencephalogram (EEG) signal processing, at Institute of Automation (Prof K. Janschek), Technische Universität Dresden and Signal Theory Group (Prof. J. F. Böhme), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, both in Germany, respectively. Between 2005 and 2006, he was appointed Postdoctoral Research Associate at Intelligent Systems Laboratory (Profs D.A. Linkens and M. Mahfouf), Department of Automatic Control & Systems Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK. Subsequently he joined Department of Automation, East China University of Science and Technology and has been a Full Professor of control sciences and engineering since Feb. 2007. He was a visiting professor at Control Systems Group (Prof. J. Raisch), TU Berlin, Germany in 2008. Professor Zhang made important contributions to the areas of complex system control, advanced signal processing and human-machine systems since 1994. As Principal Investigator or core member, he has been actively involved in 20 research and industrial projects in China and Europe funded by the world-recognized science foundations including German DFG (German Research Society), EU (INTAS), UK EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) and NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China). His current research interests are focused on hybrid intelligent systems and control, biomedical signal processing, intelligent data modeling and analysis, intelligent modeling and control of biomedical systems, and complex human-machine interaction and brain-computer interface. In these areas, thus far he has published one research monograph, one translated book, and over 60 archival journal and conference proceedings papers (nearly 30 of them was included by SCI, EI and ISTP). Professor Zhang has served as referee for a number of international journals including IEEE Trans. on BME, IEEE Trans. on SMC, IET Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processing (Elsevier), Journal of The Franklin Institute and Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, for nearly 10 Chinese journals including Acta Automatica Sinica and Control Theory & Applications, and for some international conferences such as American Control Conference, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. He visited on a short-term basis some well-reputed European institutions including TU Berlin, University of Dortmund, University of Erlangen, University of Stuttgart, and CNRS Paris. He currently serves as the IPC Member of the AICIT (Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology) international series conferences and served as Secretary Chair for the 1st International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics held in Shanghai in November 2007 and as Session Chair for some noted national control conferences including CCDC (Chinese Conference on Decision and Control) and CCC (Chinese Control Conference). He obtained the Shanghai Municipal Pujiang Talents Grant (2007-09) and was the recipient of a highly competitive full scholarship (2002-04) from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and a Chinese government-funded financial support for overseas studies (2001-04) from the State Education Ministry of China. Between 2004 and 2006, he held research appointments funded by German Research Society (DFG) and UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), respectively. He is currently listed in the biographical literature - Marquis (USA) Who’s Who in the World.