Dr. Michael John Chappell

Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor


School of Engineering

University of Warwick

Coventry CV4 7AL








Michael J. Chappell was born in 1960. He has B.Sc (1982), M.Sc (1983) and Ph.D. (1987) degrees in Mathematics, all obtained from the University of Warwick. He currently holds the position of Associate Professor in the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick, is the Leader of the Biomedical and Biological Systems Laboratory within the School and also co-director of the School's major research theme in Biomedical Engineering. He has research interests in the mathematical modelling and simulation of biomedical, biological and pharmacokinetic processes, structural identifiability and indistinguishability, system identification and parameter estimation.  He is the author or co-author of over 160 research papers. 

Research Interests:

Lie in the mathematical/systems modelling and compartmental modelling of physical and engineering processes. The main areas of application relate to processes in bio-medicine, biology and pharmacokinetics. Related to the modelling work are long-standing research interests in structural identifiability analysis, structural indistinguishability analysis, system identification and parameter estimation with particular application of these techniques to nonlinear systems.