Next Event: SWIIS 2010 - IFAC International Workshop on Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability

CALL FOR PAPERS IFAC International Workshop on Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability SWIIS 2010 October 27-29, 2010, Prishtina, KOSOVO

Invitation to SWIIS 2010:

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the SWIIS 2010 Workshop on Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability, which aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia to give an overview of the state of the art, to present new research results and to exchange ideas and experiences in the field of international stability.
Meeting Scope and Objectives:
Technology development leads to dramatic changes in international stability. It has never been so important to examine system stability. Currently and recent years social international and national systems of control have been shown to be inadequate and prone to be fundamental and most basic instability. Many basic assumptions are no longer certain and are definitely questioned. This event will systematically examine these topics. Another goal of the SWIIS workshop is to propose new approaches in dealing with globalization effects, as studying complexity and knowledge management.
Topics: The scope of the conference will cover but is not limited to:
·          Social Aspects of Technology
·          Managing the Introduction on Technological Changes
·          Ethical Aspects of Technological Proliferation
·          Case Studies of Technological Transfer and Social Changes
·          Technology and Environmental Stability
·          Modelling of Social and Economic System
·          Knowledge Management
·          Globalization impact on International Stability
·          International System Complexity


Important Dates:
Proposals for invited sessions    01 06 2010
Draft papers submission deadline30.06.2010
Notification of acceptance15.08.2010
Full paper submission01.10.2010
 Early registration fee - before 31 08 2010Late registration fee
Regular  € 250.--€ 300.--
Student, Retired €   50.-- €  50.--
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