Minutes: TC meeting Bucharest
of the
SWIIS TC Meeting
Politehnica University Bucharest
October 29, 2009, 12.45am – 1.30pm
1. Roll Call of delegates
2. Approval of minutes of the last meeting – Seoul
3. Report on SWIIS 2009
4. Next events
5. Further Activities
6. Next TC meeting
7. Other Business
1.P.Kopacek openend the meeting and welcomed the members and guests.
N.Bulz (RO); S. Caramihai (RO); G. Dimirovski(MAC/TR); I.Dumitrache (RO); B.Lewoc (PL); V.Ojleska (MAC); L.Stapleton (IRL); P.Kopacek (AUT).
Excused: F.Kile (US); M. Hersh (Scotland); T.O.Kefe (IRL).
2.The minutes of the last TC meeting in Seoul were approved.
3. I. Dumitrache reported: 3 Survey papers and 18 technical papers will be presentd. 2 Panel discussions are organised. Attendance until now 42.
4. It was dedided to have an intermediate SWIIS Workshop in 2010. There is an oral proposal from Prishtina. Other proposals are welcomed. Proposed date October 2010.
5. Improvement of the homepage. Preparation of the Workshop 2010.
6. The next TC meeting will take place in October, 2010 during the next SWIIS event.
7. No other business.