TECIS 2015

TECIS International Conference 2015 - Sozopol, Bulgaria
Feb 23, 2025 from 07:00 AM to 08:00 AM Sozopol, Bulgaria,

The 16th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability - TECIS 2015, organisaed by the Bulgarian IFAC NMO and held in beautiful and ancient Sozopol in the Black Sea, brought together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia to give an overview of the state of the art, to present new research results and to exchange ideas and experiences. The conference formally announced 1. the new "Young IFAC Members Forum" chaired by Amy Stapleton (MITRA Trajectories) and Nathalia Kobza (ESTIEM). 2. A new Working Group in Cost Oriented Automation to be chaired by Prof. Peter Kopacek The conference also held a convocation on its fringes to debate future directions for IFAC generally and how TC 9-5 might demonstrate leadership, in light of emerging concerns about uncertainty and instability in international affairs. More details of the important outcomes of the conference are included below, in the TC minutes and in the conference proceedings available from Elsevier.