Meeting Minutes TC8.2, 2008

Seoul, Korea - July 10, 2008

Minutes of the IFAC Technical Committee 8.2 Meeting

6:00-7:30pm, 10 July 2008

during the 17th IFAC World Congress week 6-11 July 2008

Seoul, Korea

  1. Attendees
  2. BIOMED TC Members:

    David Dagan Feng (Hong Kong/Australia) [Chairman]

    Steen Andreassen (Denmark) [Vice-Chairman & Incoming Chairman]

    Janan Zaytoon (France)

    Balázs Benyó  (Hungary)

    Sung-Cheng Huang (USA)

    Geoff Chase (New Zealand)

    Jing Bai (China)

    Che Wai Chan (Hong Kong)

    Andreas Schrempf (Austria)

    Olaf Simanski (Germany)


    All other members of the Committee had been sent invitations to participate, but were unable to attend.


  3. Welcome to the TC members and the new TC Chairman.

  4. The Chairman welcomed both existing and new TC members to the meeting, as well as Professor Steen Andreassen, the new TC Chairman, whose appointment for the next term of 2008-2011 had been confirmed by the IFAC Technical Board. Professor David Feng also expressed his sincere appreciation to all of the members for their strong support during his last two terms of services as the Chairman of the TC8.2. Members introduced themselves at the beginning of the meeting.


  5. Report from the Chairman

  6. TC Website

    The Chairman reported that the TC website had been regularly updated, from which all of the TC information and activities could be found. The website provided an overall profile of the TC, including scope of the TC, membership, past and forthcoming activities sponsored or co-sponsored by the TC, and the minutes and reports of previous meetings. Members were invited to provide some interesting links (e.g. members’ research activities and research groups, etc). Changes in any member’s contact details could be directed to the new Chairman Professor Steen Andreassen.

    Updated Scope

    As described in the website, the scope of biomedical applications of modelling and control continues to expand and includes much of what is now regarded as mainstream medical/health informatics (and eHealth), as well as Modelling and control approaches in relation to health care knowledge management. Examples of recent developments include: the provision of decision support systems for adoption within a telematic health care framework; the application of a wider range of advanced knowledge-based and statistically-based methods for the interpretation of biomedical signals (again with the prospect of their adoption within an information management and decision support context); and the use of modern multimedia information technologies, such as biomedical functional imaging, to facilitate modelling, simulation, visualisation and control of complex biomedical systems. Modern biotechnology and bioinformatics involving modelling and control issues are also emerging.

    Roles in this IFAC World Congress

    The TC had actively participated in the development of the Milestone report and presentations for the IFAC 2008 world congress. Our TC had also organized three special sessions in the world congress. All TC members were invited and encouraged to contribute to future milestone reports and special sessions.

    Previous Activities Sponsored/Co-sponsored by TC 8.2

    Over the last three years, our TC had actively sponsored and co-sponsored a number of significant conferences, symposium, workshops and other events (see website for details), in particular, the 6th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems held in Reims, France, from 20-22 September 2006. The Chairman would like to take this opportunity to thank Professor Janan Zaytoon and his team for their organizing and hosting this Symposium in their country, which is really a very successful and extraordinary one.

    The main aims for co-sponsoring events are for research collaboration, publicity and promotion across the professional societies (e.g. IEEE and IFAC). An IFAC TC member, who is an organiser or is a programme committee member of a conference, is eligible to put the IFAC logo on the conference publicity materials upon receiving approval from the IFAC Headquarters, and the event is named a “co-sponsored event”.


  7. Report for the preparation of the next TC Symposium by the new Chairman

  8. Professor Steen Andreassen gave a detailed presentation on preparation of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems (including Biological Systems) to be held in Aalborg, Denmark from 12th – 14 th August, 2009. The call for papers is open until January 12, 2009. All TC members are encouraged to submit papers, propose invited sessions and of course to participate in the symposium that hopefully will be as successful as the 6th symposium in Reims. Further information at


  9. Presentation for the future Symposium by Professor Balázs Benyó

  10. Professor Balázs Benyó proposed to host the 8th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems (including Biological Systems) in Budapest, Hungary for 2012. Balázs Benyó originally indicated his wish to host this Symposium in 2006 during the 6th IFAC Symposium. This time he gave a very detailed ppt presentation including all the necessary information.


  11. Any Other Business
  12. There was no other business raised and the meeting ended at 7:30 PM shortly before the World Congress Banquet.