Minutes of the IFAC Technical Committee Meeting
7 July 2005
IFAC World Congress
Prague, Czech Republic
Professor David Feng, Chair of the TC 8.2, University of Sydney, feng@it.usyd.edu.au
Ewart Carson
City University, London, UK
Janan Zaytoon
University of Reims, France
Balázs Benyó
Budapest University of Technology and Széchenyi István University, Hungary
benyo@mit.bme.hu benyo@sze.hu
Jorge Bondia
Technical University of Valencia, Spain
C W Chan
University of Hong Kong
Keith Godfrey
University of Warwick, UK
Martin Hexamer
University Bochum, Germany
Levente Kovács
Budapest University of Technology, Hungary
Bernhard Lampe
University of Rostock, Germany
Mahdi Mahfouf
University of Sheffield, UK
Adreas Schrempf
University of Applied Sciences, Linz, Austria
Olaf Simanski
University of Rostock, Germany
Josep Vehi
University of Girona, Spain
Xiaolan Xie
Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, France


(1) |
The TC membership list has been updated (see http://www.cs.usyd.edu.au/~ifactc82/
directly from the TC 8.2 website or http://www.ifac-control.org/ indirectly from the IFAC main website). It is important for members
to be active in the field and for the TC to identify, attract and recruit young active research leaders in the field as "new blood"
to the committee. As the next world congress will be held in Korea, it is also important to strengthen ties in Korea.
Recruit one or more Korean research leaders to the TC.
(2) |
The TC has actively participated in the development of the Milestone report and presentation
for the IFAC 2005 world congress, which is new for this year. From now on all TC members are invited and encouraged to contribute to future milestone reports.
TC Chair will send invitation to all members when we are in a position to prepare for the next milestone report
for the next IFAC world congress. Members are encouraged to think ahead and be more prepared before the next call is sent out.
(3) |
The TC has actively sponsored and co-sponsored a number of conferences, symposiums and workshops over
the last 3 years. The TC will continue to play an active role in organizing professional activities, in particular together with IEEE-EMBS, IMEKO and
IFBME. All members are encouraged to organize TC related events, conferences and workshops etc. Proper procedures need to be followed and applications
have to be made through the IFAC headquarters. After approval from headquarters, these activities can use the IFAC Logo and can be named as IFAC officially
sponsored or co-sponsored activities. These activities should be listed in the TC website as well.
(4) |
The TC website has been established, and most information on the TC can be found, including the membership
list, scope of the committee, activities, reports and minutes, previous and new events, etc. Members are encouraged to send information and activities to the
TC chair to be published on the website, to attract more people to attend your events.
(5) |
IFAC MCBMS_06 – (the next TC 8.2 Symposium)
The 6th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems
20-22 September 2006, Reims, France
The next symposium will be held in Reims, the city of French kings' coronation and champagne. It will be
organised in the Congress Centre, within walking distance from hotels. The banquet will take place in a
prestigious champagne house. The registration fees are now fixed at 460€, with students registration at
360€. Lunches and the banquet will be provided as well as the conference publications.
The website is operational at http://www.univ-reims.fr/mcbms06.
Reims is situated 150 km to the east of Paris. It has a direct connection by shuttle
car with both Paris airports. The railway station and the motorways are situated at about 200 meters from the Congress Centre.
Janan Zaytoon will contact Elsevier to make the necessary arrangements related to the
publication of the Proceedings. An agreement was already established one year ago.
After a discussion related to the modes of presentation, a final decision was taken
to organise the symposium on the basis of one track (no parallel sessions) involving oral and poster presentations.
The members of the IPC and the TC are invited to submit some proposals for invited plenary speakers to
D. Feng and J. Zaytoon, by September 15, 2005. It is intended to have three plenary speakers, an industrial, a clinical, and a scientific one.
The expenses of the plenary speakers will be paid by the organisers.
The members of the IPC and the TC are also encouraged to propose invited sessions and to diffuse information
related to the symposium.
Two meetings of the TC and the IPC will be scheduled during the 2006 symposium. The first meeting
(just before the symposium) on September 20, at 9:30 am, and the second (just after the symposium) on September 22 at about 5 pm.