Modeling Methods and Clinical Applications in Medical and Biological Systems I

(Invited Session) MoA17

Chair: Andreassen, Steen

Aalborg Univ.

Co-Chair: Chase, J. Geoffrey

Univ. of Canterbury

Organizer: Andreassen, Steen

Aalborg Univ.

Organizer: Chase, J. Geoffrey

Univ. of Canterbury

Organizer: Desaive, Thomas

Univ. of Liege

Organizer: Pielmeier, Ulrike

Aalborg Univ.

Organizer: Benyo, Balazs

Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec.





Patient-Ventilator Synchrony and Tidal Volume Variability Using NAVA and Pressure Support Mechanical Ventilation Modes (I), pp. 569-574.

Moorhead, Katherine T

Univ. of Liege

Piquilloud, Lise

Intensive Care and Burn Unit, Univ. Hospital, Lausanne , Sw

Lambermont, Bernard

Univ. of Liege

Roeseler, Jean

Intensive Care Unit, Cliniques Univ. St-Luc, Brussels, B

Chase, J. Geoffrey

Univ. of Canterbury

Vignaux, Laurence

Intensive Care Unit, Univ. Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland

Bialais, Emilie

Intensive Care Unit, Cliniques Univ. St-Luc, Brussels, B

Tassaux, Didier

Intensive Care Unit, Univ. Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland

Jolliet, Philippe

Intensive Care and Burn Unit, Univ. Hospital, Lausanne , Sw

Desaive, Thomas

Univ. of Liege



A Hierarchical Self-Organising Fuzzy Logic-Based On-Line Advisor for the Management of Cardiac Septic Patients (I), pp. 575-580.

King, Femi

Univ. of Sheffield

Mahfouf, Mahdi

Univ. of Sheffield

Denai, Mouloud

Teesside Univ.

Ross, Jonathan

Northern General Hospital

Abbod, Maysam

Brunel Univ.



Towards Modeling HIV Long Term Behavior (I), pp. 581-586.

Hernandez-Vargas, Esteban A.

National Univ. of Ireland Maynooth

Middleton, Richard

National Univ. of Ireland

Mehta, Dhagash

National Univ. of Ireland Maynooth



Processing Aortic and Pulmonary Artery Waveforms to Derive the Ventricle Time-Varying Elastance (I), pp. 587-592.

Stevenson, David

Univ. of Canterbury

Hann, Christopher E

Univ. of Canterbury

Chase, J. Geoffrey

Univ. of Canterbury

Revie, James A

Univ. of Canterbury

Shaw, Geoffrey M

Christchurch Hospital, Canterbury District Health Board

Desaive, Thomas

Univ. of Liege

Lambermont, Bernard

Univ. of Liege

Ghuysen, Alexandre

Univ. of Liege

Kolh, Philippe

Univ. of Liege

Heldmann, Stefan

TU Darmstadt



PostureCare - towards a Novel System for Posture Monitoring and Guidance (I), pp. 593-598.

Schrempf, Andreas

Univ. of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria

Minarik, Thomas

Upper Austria Univ. of Applied Sciences

Schossleitner, Gerold

Upper Austria Univ. of Applied Sciences

Haller, Michael

Upper Austria Univ. of Applied Sciences

Gross, Sabine

Upper Austria Univ. of Applied Sciences



A Compartmental Model Based Control Strategy for NeuroMuscular Blockade Level (I), pp. 599-604.

Almeida, Juliana

Faculdade de Ciências da Univ. do Porto

Martins da Silva, Margarida

Faculdade de Ciências da Univ. do Porto

Mendonça, Teresa

Faculdade de Ciências da Univ. do Porto

Rocha, Paula

Univ. of Porto