Modeling Methods and Clinical Applications in Medical and Biological Systems I
Chair: Andreassen, Steen |
Aalborg Univ. |
Co-Chair: Chase, J. Geoffrey |
Univ. of Canterbury |
Organizer: Andreassen, Steen |
Aalborg Univ. |
Organizer: Chase, J. Geoffrey |
Univ. of Canterbury |
Organizer: Desaive, Thomas |
Univ. of Liege |
Organizer: Pielmeier, Ulrike |
Aalborg Univ. |
Organizer: Benyo, Balazs |
Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec. |
10:00-10:20 |
MoA17.1 |
Patient-Ventilator Synchrony and Tidal Volume Variability Using NAVA and Pressure Support Mechanical Ventilation Modes (I), pp. 569-574. |
Moorhead, Katherine T |
Univ. of Liege |
Piquilloud, Lise |
Intensive Care and Burn Unit, Univ. Hospital, Lausanne , Sw |
Lambermont, Bernard |
Univ. of Liege |
Roeseler, Jean |
Intensive Care Unit, Cliniques Univ. St-Luc, Brussels, B |
Chase, J. Geoffrey |
Univ. of Canterbury |
Vignaux, Laurence |
Intensive Care Unit, Univ. Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland |
Bialais, Emilie |
Intensive Care Unit, Cliniques Univ. St-Luc, Brussels, B |
Tassaux, Didier |
Intensive Care Unit, Univ. Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland |
Jolliet, Philippe |
Intensive Care and Burn Unit, Univ. Hospital, Lausanne , Sw |
Desaive, Thomas |
Univ. of Liege |
10:20-10:40 |
MoA17.2 |
A Hierarchical Self-Organising Fuzzy Logic-Based On-Line Advisor for the Management of Cardiac Septic Patients (I), pp. 575-580. |
King, Femi |
Univ. of Sheffield |
Mahfouf, Mahdi |
Univ. of Sheffield |
Denai, Mouloud |
Teesside Univ. |
Ross, Jonathan |
Northern General Hospital |
Abbod, Maysam |
Brunel Univ. |
10:40-11:00 |
MoA17.3 |
Towards Modeling HIV Long Term Behavior (I), pp. 581-586. |
Hernandez-Vargas, Esteban A. |
National Univ. of Ireland Maynooth |
Middleton, Richard |
National Univ. of Ireland |
Mehta, Dhagash |
National Univ. of Ireland Maynooth |
11:00-11:20 |
MoA17.4 |
Processing Aortic and Pulmonary Artery Waveforms to Derive the Ventricle Time-Varying Elastance (I), pp. 587-592. |
Stevenson, David |
Univ. of Canterbury |
Hann, Christopher E |
Univ. of Canterbury |
Chase, J. Geoffrey |
Univ. of Canterbury |
Revie, James A |
Univ. of Canterbury |
Shaw, Geoffrey M |
Christchurch Hospital, Canterbury District Health Board |
Desaive, Thomas |
Univ. of Liege |
Lambermont, Bernard |
Univ. of Liege |
Ghuysen, Alexandre |
Univ. of Liege |
Kolh, Philippe |
Univ. of Liege |
Heldmann, Stefan |
TU Darmstadt |
11:20-11:40 |
MoA17.5 |
PostureCare - towards a Novel System for Posture Monitoring and Guidance (I), pp. 593-598. |
Schrempf, Andreas |
Univ. of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria |
Minarik, Thomas |
Upper Austria Univ. of Applied Sciences |
Schossleitner, Gerold |
Upper Austria Univ. of Applied Sciences |
Haller, Michael |
Upper Austria Univ. of Applied Sciences |
Gross, Sabine |
Upper Austria Univ. of Applied Sciences |
11:40-12:00 |
MoA17.6 |
A Compartmental Model Based Control Strategy for NeuroMuscular Blockade Level (I), pp. 599-604. |
Almeida, Juliana |
Faculdade de Ciências da Univ. do Porto |
Martins da Silva, Margarida |
Faculdade de Ciências da Univ. do Porto |
Mendonça, Teresa |
Faculdade de Ciências da Univ. do Porto |
Rocha, Paula |
Univ. of Porto |