Modeling Methods and Clinical Applications in Medical and Biological Systems III

(Invited Session) TuA17

Chair: Pielmeier, Ulrike

Aalborg Univ.

Co-Chair: Chase, J. Geoffrey

Univ. of Canterbury

Organizer: Andreassen, Steen

Aalborg Univ.

Organizer: Chase, J. Geoffrey

Univ. of Canterbury

Organizer: Desaive, Thomas

Univ. of Liege

Organizer: Pielmeier, Ulrike

Aalborg Univ.

Organizer: Benyo, Balazs

Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec.





Up to Date Issues on Modeling the Nervous Control of the Cardiovascular System on Short-Term (I), pp. 3747-3752.

Codrean, Alexandru

Pol. Univ. of Timisoara

Korodi, Adrian

"Pol. Univ. of Timisoara, Faculty of Automation and

Dragomir, Toma Leonida

“Pol. Univ. of Timișoara

Kovacs, Levente

Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec.



Model-Based Analysis and Synthesis of Tumor Growth under Angiogenic Inhibition: A Case Study (I), pp. 3753-3758.

Drexler, Dániel András

Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec.

Kovacs, Levente

Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec.

Sápi, Johanna

Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec.

Harmati, Istvan

Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec.

Benyo, Zoltan

Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec.



Cascade Control for Telerobotic Systems Serving Space Medicine (I), pp. 3759-3764.

Haidegger, Tamas

Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec. (BME)

Kovacs, Levente

Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec.

Precup, Radu-Emil

Pol. Univ. of Timisoara

Preitl, Stefan

Pol. Univ. of Timisoara

Benyo, Balazs

Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec.

Benyo, Zoltan

Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec.



Strategies for Glucose Control in People with Type 1 Diabetes (I), pp. 3765-3770.

Boiroux, Dimitri

Tech. Univ. of Denmark

Finan, Daniel

Tech. Univ. of Denmark

Jorgensen, John Bagterp

Tech. Univ. of Denmark

Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad

Tech. Univ. of Denmark

Madsen, Henrik

Tech. Univ. of Denmark



Anticipatory Behavior in Blood Glucose Control: Using Meal Prior Probabilities to Prepare for Future Meal Disturbances (I), pp. 3771-3776.

Cameron, Fraser

Rensselaer Pol. Inst.

Bequette, B. Wayne

Rensselaer Pol. Inst.

Buckingham, Bruce


Wilson, Darrell M

Stanford Univ.

Lee, Hyunjin

Rensselaer Pol. Inst.

Niemeyer, Gunter

Stanford Univ.



Control of Glucose Concentration in Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus with Discrete-Delayed Measurements (I), pp. 3777-3782.

González, Pablo

Inst. Potosino de Investigación Científica yTecnológica

Femat, Ricardo