Modeling and Identification of Biomedical Systems
Chair: Boianelli, Alessandro |
Univ. of Siena |
Co-Chair: Moutinho, Alexandra |
Tech. Univ. of Lisbon, Inst. Superior Técnico,IDMEC |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB17.1 |
Natural Frequency Adaptation As a Mechanism for Phase Synchronization in Neural Systems, pp. 11755-11760. |
Tyukin, Ivan |
Univ. of Leicester |
Kazantsev, Victor |
Inst. of Applied Physics of Russian Acad. of Science |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB17.2 |
Estimating Interval Process Models for Type 1 Diabetes for Robust Control Design, pp. 11761-11766. |
Kirchsteiger, Harald |
Johannes Kepler Univ. |
Castillo Estrada, Giovanna |
Johannes Kepler Univ. |
Pölzer, Stephan |
Johannes Kepler Univ. |
Renard, Eric |
Lapeyronie Hospital |
del Re, Luigi |
Johannes Kepler Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB17.3 |
Structural Requirements and Discrimination of Cell Differentiation Networks, pp. 11767-11772. |
Breindl, Christian |
Univ. Stuttgart |
Schittler, Daniella |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Waldherr, Steffen |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Allgower, Frank |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB17.4 |
A Nonlinear Dynamic Model for Diauxic Growth of Streptococcus Pneumoniae on Glucose and Cellobiose, pp. 11773-11778. |
Boianelli, Alessandro |
Univ. of Siena |
Bidossi, Alessandro |
Univ. of Siena |
Mocenni, Chiara |
Univ. of Siena |
Mulas, Laura |
Univ. of Siena |
Pozzi, Gianni |
Univ. of Siena |
Oggioni, Marco |
Univ. of Siena |
Vicino, Antonio |
Univ. di Siena |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB17.5 |
An Iterative Algorithm for the Subspace Identification of SISO Hammerstein Systems, pp. 11779-11784. |
Jalaleddini, Kian |
McGill Univ. |
Kearney, Robert Edward |
McGill Univ. |
15:10-15:30 |
ThB17.6 |
Genetic Regulatory Network Identification Using Monotone Functions Decomposition, pp. 11785-11790. |
Julius, Agung |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
Belta, Calin |
Boston Univ. |