Welcome and Scope

Welcome to the website of the Technical Committee 6.1 on Chemical Process Control of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).

copyright AVMZ Otto von Guericke Universität

Chemical processes are central in many sectors, spanning from oil and gas, batteries, petrochemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, microelectronics, agrochemicals, biotechnology, and to pulp and paper. The scope of TC 6.1 is the development of modeling, analysis, and control techniques tailored to the needs of chemical and biotechnological processes and the application to bench-, pilot-, and production-scale processes. The analysis and modeling techniques span from first-principles approaches, machine learning, and hybride methods, supported  by data analytics. Systems synthesis includes the design of plant-wide centralized and decentralized control architectures and operation support systems, the selection and placement of system components (including sensors and actuators), model-based and model-free controller design and tuning, and process and quality monitoring.

TC 6.1 supports research, development, technology transfer, and education in all of these areas.

The TC actively contributes to conferences and symposia of IFAC, IEEE, and EUCA. The main IFAC Symposia of TC 6.1 are 

  • the IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), and
  • the IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS) - co-organized by TC 6.1 and TC 8.4.

The Technical Committee 6.1 on Chemical Process Control furthermore co-sponsors many IFAC events and co-sponsored events, such as  NMPC, NOLCOS, ALCOS, ... to name just a few.

Structure and members

The TC has more than 130 members worldwide. 


Jong Min Lee (Chair), Seoul National University, South Korea, jongmin@snu.ac.kr

Rolf Findeisen (Vice Chair), TU Darmstadt, Germany, rolf.findeisen@tu-darmstadt.de

Martha A. Grover, (Vice Chair Education) Georgiatech, USA, martha.grover@chbe.gatech.edu

Martin Mönnigmann (Vice Chair Publications), Bochum University, Germany, martin.moennigmann@rub.de

Tom Badgwell (Vice Chair Industry), CSI Automation, USA, tom.badgwell@gmail.com

Joel Paulson (Vice Chair Social Media), The Ohio State University, USA, paulson.82@osu.edu