IFAC TC Award:

Delay Systems Life Time Achievement Awards in 2021

The objective of this IFAC TC Award, sponsored by the IFAC TC 2.2 “Linear Control Systems”, is to award individuals who have made, throughout their career, important research contributions in the area of delay systems, either of a fundamental or of an applied nature, and who have been strongly involved in IFAC activities, including but not limited to initiating and/or organizing IFAC meetings and participating in IFAC committees at international level, and, in particular, in the activities of the TC 2.2. 
The composition of this TC Award Selection Committee for the three awards covering the period 2020-2022 is as follows (last-name alphabetic order):
  • Keqin GU (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Illinois, USA, committee member, e-mail:,
  • Wim MICHIELS (KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, committee member, e-mail:,
  • Pierdomenico PEPE (University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy, committee member, e-mail:,
  • Rifat SIPAHI (Northeastern University, Massachusetts, USA, Chair, e-mail:

Laureats 2021:

Emilia Fridman

Tel Aviv University

For contributions to delayed and sampled-data control of ordinary and partial differential equations

Research focus: time-delay systems, networked control systems, distributed parameter systems, robust control, singular perturbations and nonlinear control

Vladimir L. Kharitonov

Saint-Petersburg State University

For his pioneering contributions to stability analysis and control of time-delay systems

Research focus: stability of a family of quasi-polynomials, robust stability criteria, stability of multivariate polynomials, Lyapunov – Krasovskii stability analysis, predictive control of time-delay systems

Gabor Stepan

Budapest University of Technology and Economics03_stepan.png

For his contributions to theoretical advances and engineering applications of time delay systems, and for his efforts in building bridges among various academic communities

Research focus: nonlinear dynamics and time delay systems with specific applications in mechanical engineering, including rehabilitation robotics, machine tool vibrations, wheel shimmy, and hardware-in-the-loop experiments