TC 2.2. Linear Control Systems
Welcome Message from the Chair
Welcome to the official web-page of the Technical Committee 2.2.
This Technical Committee focuses on the understanding phenomena and studying processes behaviors in which linearity plays a fundamental role.
It fosters the development of tools, methods and approaches for the analysis and synthesis of dynamical systems described by linear differential and/or difference equations in finite-dimensional and/or abstract spaces, including finite-dimensional time-invariant and time-variant systems, linear parameter-varying systems, infinite-dimensional systems, descriptor and singular systems, n-dimensional systems, time-delay systems, functional systems, positive systems, fractional systems, complex systems and variable structure systems.
It promotes investigation of the structural properties of systems which are related to linearity and the use of a control theoretic point of view in the solution of modeling, monitoring, computing and control problems in complex systems emerging fields of systems, such as System of Systems, engineering and related applied fields.
The main activity sponsored by this TC is the IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control (SSSC). The TC is also the main sponsor of the Workshops on Time Delay Systems (TDS), Workshops on Linear Parameter Varying Systems (LPVS), Workshops on Control of Complex Systems (COSY) and Conferences on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications (FDA).
From 2013 for nearly ten years, the Symposium on System Structure and Control (SSSC) and the Workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS) have been held in the format of the “joint IFAC Conferences”. From 2022, based on the TC members suggestions, IFAC SSSC/TDS changes to IFAC SSSC/TDS/LPVS by including also the LPVS Workshops.
From 2021, TC 2.2 awards two prizes:
- IFAC TC Award: Delay Systems Life Time Achievement Award (TDS)
- IFAC TC Award: System Structure and Control Life Time Achievement Award (SSC)
The first TC Awards TDS was presented at the 16th IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems (TDS, Guangzhou, China, September 2021) and the first TC Awards SSC was presented at the joint IFAC SSSC/TDS/LPVS conference (Montreal, Canada, September 2022).
Elena ZATTONI (TC 2.2 Chair, 2023-2026)
Former TC Chairs:
- 1996-2002: Jean-Michel DION (FR)
- 2002-2005: Carlos E DE SOUZA (BR)
- 2005-2011: Luc DUGARD (FR)
- 2011-2017: Giuseppe CONTE (IT)
- 2017-2023: Silviu-Iulian NICULESCU (FR)