Message from the chair of the TC 9.4 (March 2016)

Message from the chair Sebastian Dormido about TC 9.4 past and future events, sent on March 29, 2016.

Dear friends and colleagues,

I suppose that you have spent a Happy Easter with all your family.

My previous message was almost five month ago before the celebration of the IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education (IBCE15) held in Brescia (Italy), 4-6 November 2015.

Therefore I would like to inform you about the past event main-sponsored by TC9.4 (IBCE15), the present event to be held next June 1-3 in Bratislava (ACE15) and the future event to be held in Toulouse next year, the 20th IFAC World Congress, July 9-14.

1) Internet Based Control Education (IBCE15)

IBCE15 was in fact a very successful conference. I would like to express my deep recognition and gratitude to Prof. Antonio Visioli NOC  Chair  and  Prof. Manuel Berenguel, IPC Chair. Both realize an impressive work. A report giving detailed information of the event can be reached in the IFAC Newsletter nº 6 (December 2015) in the following web address:

The papers presented in the Workshop as well as the Plenary lectures can be downloaded from IFAC-PapersOnline:

Volume 48, Issue 29, Pages 1-318 (2015)
IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education IBCE15 Brescia (Italy), November 4-6, 2015
Edited by Antonio Visioli and Manuel Berenguel

2) 11th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education (ACE16)

ACE Symposium is as you know our most important event as IFAC Control Education Committee. You can access to the web page of the ACE16 Symposium in the following web address:

Now ACE16 is almost ready to be held. ACE16 Program on Line can be downloaded from the following web address:

I would like to thank the extraordinary work realized by the colleagues that have made a great effort in order to give you a very successful conference. Bozenna Pasik-Duncan as General Chair, Mikulas Huba as NOC Chair and Anthony Rossiter as IPC Chair. Finally 57 papers have been accepted. We will have three outstanding plenary speakers and inside of the Symposium will take place the First IFAC Workshop on "Integrating Teaching and Research at All Levels in Promoting Control as a Field that Spans Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)" organized by Bozenna Pasic-Duncan and Anthony Rossiter.

Please come to Bratislava to participate in ACE16. We expect an important number of attendants. As I say in my previous message our community is now growing and we need to show in a very clear way our vigour. During the celebration of the Symposium will take place our EDCOM Committee meeting. In due time I will send you the agenda of this meeting.

3) 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC17)

Let me quote to our IFAC President, Janan Zaytoon. In the letter of "Invitation to participate" he says the following:

"The IFAC World Congress is the forum of excellence for the exploration of the frontiers in control science and technology. This Congress is attended by a worldwide audience of scientists and engineers from academia and industry. It offers the most up-to-date and complete view of control and automation techniques, with the widest coverage of application fields."

We need to do a great effort submitting "control education contributions" to this important conference. It is the only way to explicit the strength of our Technical Committee.

A new IFAC 2017 demonstrator papers category to promote research or educational oriented devices, innovative prototypes and attractive transfer of technologies towards high-tech enterprises has been included in this World Congress. Demonstrators will be presented at a dedicated exhibition aiming to highlight the advances of our research field and to perceive the future trends.

As a TC 9.4 we have proposed a track on Control Demonstrators for Education with the title: Exhibition of Demonstrators for Educational purposes in Control Sciences.

I am attaching to this email a flyer of this Open Invited Track. The code for submitting contributions to this open track is the following: 3nr6q

We have prepared a web site where you have all the information:

But this is not the unique Invited Open Track promoted by our TC9.4 because another demonstrator papers category will be proposed in a short term. Bozenna Pasik-Duncan as "Education Liaison" to the IFAC Technical Board and Anthony Rossiter as Vice-Chair of EDCOM Committee are preparing another activity. Finally we will share both events in order to avoid duplications.

It is important to remember as a key date the paper submission deadline for the IFAC World Congress: 31 October 2016

4) Events sponsored or co-sponsored by TC 9.4 (2015-16)

Below you can find the list of conferences that as Technical Committee we have sponsored or co-sponsored during 2015-16.

Main sponsorship:



This is all for the moment. Please if you have any question related with our EDCOM Committee or some ideas to promote and disseminate our Committee please don't hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hear from you.

All the best,