

University education and continuing education issues in control engineering. History of Control.

Methodologies for improving the theory, practice and accessibility of control systems education.

Control engineering laboratories (based on low-cost technologies), experiments, computer aided design, distance and virtual education technologies, e-learning, and internet based teaching technologies. Cooperation and technology transfer between academia and industry.

General awareness among pre-college students and teachers of the importance of systems and control technology and its cross-disciplinary nature.


  • To engage all technical committee in control education issues and activities.
  • To promote control with its cross-boundary nature as a field that spans science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
  • To provide students at all levels, including pre-college, undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate, the opportunity to explore the world of control engineering.
  • To organize workshops and special sessions on control education.
  • To bring academia and industry together to facilitate and develop learning experiences which attract students to control engineering.
  • To communicate the control field  to the public at large.
  • To organize annual Technical Committee meetings, to form steering committees for the Symposia on Advances of Control Education and sponsor these events,  to sponsor or co-sponsor other IFAC events, to engage in paper selection procedures for these events and the IFAC World Congresses.
  • To use the meetings and education sessions as a platform to advocate and promote the control field.
  • To develop and maintain a control resources web page.
  • To identify the best control engineering resources (textbooks, websites, laboratories and so forth) which are  being used effectively and successfully in the teaching and learning of control systems in its broadest sense.