TECIS TC 9-5 Meeting Sept 25th 2015
- https://tc.ifac-control.org/9/5/meetings/tecis-tc-9-5-meeting-sept-25th-2015
- TECIS TC 9-5 Meeting Sept 25th 2015
- 2025-04-01T01:00:00+03:00
- 2025-04-01T02:00:00+03:00
- Agenda
- When Apr 01, 2025 from 01:00 AM to 02:00 AM (Europe/Helsinki / UTC300)
- Where Sozopol
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1. Welcome
2. Review Minutes of last meeting (in form of Technical Committee Report)
3. New members and member countries
4. Updates and Review
a. CC 9 Updates: CC 9 Chair Professor Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue
b. Review of IFAC WC Session (Peter Kopacek)
c. Working Group Updates
i. Ethics (Book update)
ii. End of Life Management
iii. Non-Technical Aspects of ICT and Automation
d. Scope Issues:
i. Cost Oriented Automation (towards a working group)
ii. Social Networks (contribution to IFAC Social Networks Research Agenda)
5. TC 9-5 promoted events for 2015/16
6. Special Journal TC9-5 Issue Updates
a. 2014 quarterly journal in Computer Science: AI and Society (in print)
b. 2016 quarterly journal in Computer Science: AI and Society (forthcoming)
7. TC 9-5 Student Forum (Proposal)
8. Event Planning
a. TECIS 2016
b. IFAC WC 2017
c. IFAC Event Organisation: Papercept costs and other issues arising
9. AOB
10. Close
9. Close