ACE2013 - the 10th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education
ACE2013 - the 10th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education - will provide an innovative forum at which researchers and practitioners in control education will present their latest research, results and ideas. ACE2013 also aims to spread new knowledge and alternative approaches in education. International cooperation, especially between academia and industry, in control engineering education will be emphasized.
- ACE2013 - the 10th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education
- 2025-02-23T13:00:00+02:00
- 2025-02-23T14:00:00+02:00
- ACE2013 - the 10th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education - will provide an innovative forum at which researchers and practitioners in control education will present their latest research, results and ideas. ACE2013 also aims to spread new knowledge and alternative approaches in education. International cooperation, especially between academia and industry, in control engineering education will be emphasized.
- What Symposium
- When Feb 23, 2025 from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (Europe/Helsinki / UTC200)
- Where Sheffield England
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ACE 2013 encourages special sessions and papers in the areas of independent learning, web laboratories, the use of the internet in learning and teaching, preparing students for
industry and sharing learning and teaching resources. Other topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Teaching aids for control engineering,
- Virtual and remote labs
- Open educational resources
- E-learning in control engineering,
- Tele-operation
- Independent learning
- Centralized Internet repository for control education
- Virtual reality in control education
- Continuing control education in industry,
- University-industry co-operation in control
- engineering education
- Teacher and student exchange programs
- between control labs
- Cultural and social issues of control
- education
- Challenges for control engineering curricula
- Internet-based control systems materials
- Embedded systems
- Control education using laboratory equipment
- International programs in control
- engineering education