Modeling Methods and Clinical Applications in Medical and Biological Systems II

Invited Session (WeB15) organized by J. Geoffrey Chase (Canterbury University, New Zealand) and Steen Andreassen (Aalborg University, Denmark)


Chair:       Chase, J.Geoffrey

Co-Chair:  Andreassen, Steen


Papers may be downloaded on IFAC PapersOnline.



Mathematical Model of Cyclin B1 Dynamics at the Single Cell Level in Osteosarcoma Cells

Perez-Velazquez, Judith
Evans, Neil D.
Chappell, Michael
Errington, Rachel
Smith, Paul
Khan, Imtiaz

Goal-Directed Therapy for General ICU Patients Using Aggregated Multi-Objective Optimisation 

Wang, Ang
Panoutsos, George
Mahfouf, Mahdi
Mills, Gary

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Moving Horizon State and Disturbance Estimation -
Application to the Normalization of Blood Glucose in the Critically Ill 

Haverbeke, Niels
Van Herpe, Tom
Diehl, Moritz
Van den Berghe, Greet
De Moor, Bart

The Structural Identifiability of SIR Type Epidemic Models with Incomplete Immunity
and Birth Targeted Vaccination

Chapman, James
Evans, Neil D.

Modeling Neural Spiking Activity in the Sub-Thalamic Nucleus of Parkinson's Patients and Healthy Primates   

Sarma, Sridevi
Cheng, Ming
Hu, Rollin
Williams, Ziv
Brown, Emery
Eskandar, Emad

Impedance Control of Two D.o.f CPM Device for Upper Limb Disorders 

Miyaguchi, Shota
Nojiri, Kousei
Matsunaga, Nobutomo
Kawaji, Shigeyasu