Image-Based Biological and Medical Systems Modeling

Invited Session (TuC15) organized by Feng, David Dagan (Hong Kong Pol. Univ.)


Chair:       Feng, David Dagan

Co-Chair: Huang, Sung-Cheng


Papers may be downloaded on IFAC PapersOnline.




Adaptive Bolus Chasing Computed Tomography Angiography                                   

Bai, Er-Wei
Cai, Zhijun
Wang, Ge

Detection of Measurement Outliers in Tracer Kinetics

Huang, Sung-Cheng

Model-Based Prediction of the Individual N-Repetition Maximum
with Application to Physical Rehabilitation

Schrempf, Andreas
Habelsberger, Winfried

A whole body model of FDG metabolism based on VHP datasets

Jing, Bai
Huiting, Qiao

Reliable Model and Cluster Aided Formation of Parametric Images
in Functional Imaging

Wen, Lingfeng
Eberl, Stefan
Feng, David Dagan

Macrostructural Biofilm Characterization Via Textural Image Analysis

Pons, Marie-Noelle
Milferstedt, Kim
Morgenroth, Eberhard