Image-Based Biological and Medical Systems Modeling
Invited Session (TuC15) organized by Feng, David Dagan (Hong Kong Pol. Univ.)
Chair: Feng, David Dagan
Co-Chair: Huang, Sung-Cheng
Papers may be downloaded on IFAC PapersOnline.
Title |
Authors |
Adaptive Bolus Chasing Computed Tomography Angiography |
Bai, Er-Wei |
Detection of Measurement Outliers in Tracer Kinetics |
Huang, Sung-Cheng |
Model-Based Prediction of the Individual N-Repetition Maximum with Application to Physical Rehabilitation |
Schrempf, Andreas |
A whole body model of FDG metabolism based on VHP datasets |
Jing, Bai |
Reliable Model and Cluster Aided Formation of Parametric Images in Functional Imaging |
Wen, Lingfeng |
Macrostructural Biofilm Characterization Via Textural Image Analysis by SGLDM and GLRLM |
Pons, Marie-Noelle |