Issue 2008_2 June '08
of the IFAC Technical Committee on Human-Machine-Systems
Issue #2, June 2008
In this issue:
[1] Preview on the IFAC World Congress
[2] New member: Prof. Ludger Schmidt succeeds Prof. Gunnar Johannsen
[3] Forthcoming events
[4] Editorials
Preview on the IFAC World Congress
As you all know, already next month, from July 6th till July 11th, the IFAC World Congress is going to take place in Seoul, Korea. Of course, our TC 4.5 will also represent its members’ work in several sessions, and in Professor Zuehlke’s plenary speech; further, we will hold our annual meeting at the World Congress, and welcome our new chair team. Therefore, please let us take a closer look at the program of the World Congress…
After the Opening Ceremony and the Welcome Reception on Sunday, July 6th, the technical program of the IFAC World Congress 2008 will begin on Monday. There will be plenary sessions each morning, of which the final plenary speech – on Friday, July 11th, at 900 a.m. – is given by Professor Zuehlke, who is currently the chair of our TC 4.5. Professor Zuehlke will present the SmartFactoryKL technology initiative, a private-public partnership with funding by the German government, which researches, develops, and evaluates modern technologies to proceed “From Vision to Reality in Factory Technologies.”
Prior to his speech, and after two triennials of chairing the TC 4.5, Professor Zuehlke will hand over the chair to the new team during our annual TC meeting on Thursday, July 10th, now at 1000 a.m., i.e., four hours earlier than originally planned. (The meeting is scheduled to take place in room 204, but since this may change in the nick of time, please refer to the conference’s local announcement board!) Of course, all TC 4.5 members as well as all other interested people are cordially invited to participate and welcome our new chair team:
Prof. Wan Chul Yoon |
Prof. Patrick Millot |
Prof. Tan Kay Chuan |
Now that the final conference program is available (also online for download at, these are the fixed dates and times for our TC’s regular sessions, all of which were arranged in track 21 and take place in room 321B:
- “Human Cognition, Speech, and Decision-Making” (Thursday, July 10th, 430 – 630 p.m.)
- “Modeling Human Performance” (Friday, July 11th, 1030 a.m. – 1230 p.m.)
- “Human-Robot Interaction” (Friday, July 11th, 200 – 400 p.m.)
Finally, you might also be interested in the program of our superordinated Coordinating Committee CC4 (“Mechatronics, Robotics and Components for Automation Control”) – not only because Professor Zuehlke has been nominated as its chairman, but also because it will present its Milestone Report on Wednesday, July 9th, from 430 till 630 p.m. in room 401. We would be pleased to welcome you there!
Daniel Görlich (
IFAC TC 4.5 (HMS) Editorial
New member: Prof. Ludger Schmidt succeeds Prof. Gunnar Johannsen
A highly
regarded and respected researcher, Professor Gunnar Johannsen
headed the Laboratory for Systems Engineering and Human-Machine Systems
(IMAT-MMS) at the University of Kassel from 1982 to 2006. He also founded &
led the IFAC Working Group on Human-Machine Systems, which was the predecessor
of today’s TC 4.5. Of course, even after his retirement in 2006, Professor Johannsen continued research and publishing actively, but a
successor to head the slightly renamed Human-Machine Systems Engineering Group
at the University of Kassel, was needed.
In April 2008, Professor Dr.-Ing. Ludger Schmidt took over the leadership of this group. Professor Schmidt has studied electrical engineering at the RWTH Aachen, and continued to earn his doctorate there at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics in 2004. After serving as chief engineer until 2005, he led the department of Ergonomics and Human-Machine Systems at the FGAN Research Establishment for Applied Science from 2005 till 2008.
We congratulate Professor Ludger Schmidt to his appointment, and welcome him as a new member of our Technical Committee!
Daniel Görlich (
IFAC TC 4.5 (HMS) Editorial
Forthcoming events
- 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction
July 06th – 09th, 2008, Incheon/Korea,
- IFAC World Congress, July 6th – 11th, 2008, Seoul/Korea,
- IFAC CC 4 Milestone Report (see article above),
arranged for at the IFAC World Congress, July 9th, 2008, 430 p.m.
- IFAC TC 4.5 Administrative Meeting (see article above),
arranged for at the IFAC World Congress, July 10th, 2008, 1000 a.m.
- 9th IFAC IFIP Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Congress,
October 9th – 10th, 2008, Szczecin/Poland
- 2009 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI)
February 8th – 11th, 2009, Florida/USA
Daniel Görlich (
IFAC TC 4.5 (HMS) Editorial
- You are cordially invited to contribute to the TC 4.5 newsletter. As usual, the main topics are Human-Machine Systems and other related topics/events in your field of research or work. Please send your article as a Word or PDF document to
- To subscribe to this newsletter service, send an email to with the subject: sub ifac_tc45
- For online reading or downloading of this issue or previous issues, please visit the TC 4.5 website located at
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Copyright © 2008,
Center for Human-Machine Interaction
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI)
All rights reserved.