Issue 2007_3 September '07
Special Issue of the Newsletter
of the IFAC Technical Committee on Human-Machine-Systems
Issue #3, September 2007
In this issue:
[1] New TC Chair elected
[2] Prof. Zühlke nominated to chair the Coordinating Committee
[3] IFAC HMS: Review
[4] Next TC 4.5 Meeting to take place in Valenciennes/France
[5] Forthcoming events
[6] Editorials
New TC Chair elected
Our Technical Committee has elected a new chair: After two triennials, which is the maximum time a single member is allowed to hold this position, Prof. Zühlke has been suggested to take over the chair of the superordinated Coordinating Committee (see next article). He is being succeeded by Prof. Wan Chul Yoon (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), who had organized the IFAC-HMS Symposium in Seoul this September, and had previously been our co-chair for the last triennium. He will be supported by two new co-chairs, Prof. Patrick Millot (Laboratoire d'Automatique et de Mécanique Industrielles et Humaines, Université de Valenciennes) and Prof. Tan Kay Chuan (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, National University of Singapore). The new chair team will take over office in July 2008.
Prof. Wan Chul Yoon |
Prof. Patrick Millot |
Prof. Tan Kay Chuan |
| | | |
Detlef Zühlke (
Chair of IFAC TC 4.5 (HMS)
Prof. Zühlke nominated to chair
the Coordinating Committee
After two triennials of chairing the TC 4.5, Prof. Detlef Zühlke (University of Kaiserslautern/Germany) has been proposed to become the new chairman of the Coordinating Committee, CC 4, on Mechatronics, Robotics and Components, which is responsible for five IFAC Technical Committees:
TC 4.1: Components
and Technologies for Control
(chaired by Don-Il Cho, Korea)
TC 4.2: Mechatronic Systems
(chaired by Masayoshi Tomizuka, United States)
TC 4.3: Robotics
(chaired by Hideki Hashimoto, Japan)
TC 4.4: Cost
Oriented Automation
(chaired by Wei Wang, Canada)
TC 4.5: Human
Machine Systems
(chaired by Detlef Zühlke, Germany, succeeded by Wan Chul Yoon, Korea)
The Coordinating Committee plans and monitors the Technical Boards’ events, such as symposia, conferences and workshops. They are also responsible for establishing contacts to other organizations in their respective area of research, for publishing reports, and for promoting their area of research to a wider audience.
Daniel Görlich (
IFAC TC 4.5 (HMS) Editorial
IFAC HMS: Review
The 10th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems was held in Seoul during September 4-6. The triennial meeting was being hosted by the Ergonomic Society of Korea and financially sponsored by KAIST (the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). The venue, Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel, boasted a nice river view and was well separated from the busy city, being surrounded by a beautiful landscape.
During the three-day symposium, 113 technical
papers were presented in 17 parallel sessions,
6 thematic topic sessions and a poster session. The 1st
International Workshop on Model-Driven User-Centric Design & Engineering
(MDUCDE 2007) was also held within the Symposium occupying 3 thematic sessions
on the second day. It was remarkable that the symposium recovered its size of
over 150 participants after two inevitable decreases in previous meetings in
2001 and 2004. A total of 152 people, including 36 students, registered.
Besides the host country (Korea), Germany (19), France (16), Japan (16) topped
the participation.
The four enlightening plenary talks given by leading scholars in their areas, while being centered around the theme of the paradigmatic shift in human-machine systems development, were well positioned to consider the most important research fields. These were:
- 25 Years of
Human-Machine Systems in IFAC
Prof. Gunnar Johannsen, University of Kassel, Germany.
- Smart Collaborations between Humans and Machines Based on Mutual Understanding
Prof. Toshiyuki Inagaki, University of Tsukuba, Japan.
- The New Mission of HMS: From Overcoming Limitations to Securing Safety
Prof. Erik Hollnagel, École des Mines de Paris / Pôle Cindyniques, France.
- Model-based Development of User Interfaces ― A New Paradigm in Useware Engineering
Prof. Detlef Zühlke, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
The plenary papers as well as a selection of papers from the Symposium will be included into the final Elsevier proceeding series, and recommended to be printed in leading journals.
Wan Chul Yoon ( Daniel Görlich (
Co-Chair of IFAC TC 4.5 (HMS) IFAC TC 4.5 (HMS) Editorial
Next TC 4.5 Meeting to take place in Valenciennes/France
After this year’s meeting at the IFAC-HMS Symposium in Seoul, the next meeting of our TC 4.5 will be hosted by Prof. Patrick Millot’s Laboratoire d'Automatique et de Mécanique Industrielles et Humaines at the Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis. Located at the Northern border of France, the city of Valenciennes is well-known for its metalworking and its automobile industry. Educating more than 10,000 students, its university excels in a variety of research disciplines, among them humanities and social sciences, human-machine systems, electronics and, of course, engineering sciences.
The TC 4.5 symposium in Valenciennes is still scheduled for the year 2010. Afterwards, a shorter cycle will increase the frequency of our meetings to only two years. The host for 2012 is therefore to be selected at our symposium in Valenciennes.
Daniel Görlich (
IFAC TC 4.5 (HMS) Editorial
Forthcoming events
- IFAC World Congress, July 06 – 11, 2008, Seoul/Korea
- 9th IFAC IFIP Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Congress,
October 09 – 10, 2008, Szczecin/Poland
Daniel Görlich (
IFAC TC 4.5 (HMS) Editorial
- You are cordially invited to contribute to the TC 4.5 newsletter. As usual the main topics are Human-Machine Systems and other related topics/events in your field of research/work. Please send your article as a Word or PDF document to
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Copyright © 2007,
Center for Human-Machine Interaction
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH
All rights reserved.