12th IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing (ALCOSP'2016)

  • What Past events... History
  • When Mar 10, 2025 from 05:00 AM to 06:00 AM (Europe/Helsinki / UTC200)
  • Where Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Add event to calendar iCal

In control and signal processing, adaptation and learning are natural tools to cope with real-time changes in the dynamical behaviour of signals and systems. In this respect, there has been an increasing interest in the use of computationally intelligent methods as potential tools to improve adaptation. This workshop has the goal of bringing together researchers and practitioners interested in adaptation and learning, providing them with a forum for presentation of recent developments and assessment of the most promising trends for future research. In IFAC, this workshop is one of the rare periodic events gathering potential actors from both the control and the signal processing communities. It is rooted in a long standing IFAC activity since ALCOSP 2016 is the 12th in a series originated in San Francisco (1983) and continued in Lund (1986), Glasgow (1989), Grenoble (1992), Budapest (1995), Glasgow (1998), Cernobbio-Come (2001), Katayama (2004), Saint -Petersburg (2007), Antalya (2010) and Caen (2013).

ALCOSP 2016 is sponsored by the IFAC Technical Committees:

  • TC1.2: Adaptive Learning Systems
  • TC1.1: Modeling, Identification and Signal Processing
  • TC2.1: Control design
  • TC2.3: Non-linear control systems

Papers presented at ALCOSP 2016 will be made available on-line on the IFAC-PapersOnLine.net website and will be citable via an ISSN and a DOI.

ALCOSP 2016 will be held simultaneously with PSYCO 2016. All participants of ALCOSP 2016 may attend PSYCO 2016's sessions.