Open Invited Session on Simulation Analytics for Cyber Physical Systems @ IEEE CASE 2020

Open Invited Session on Simulation Analytics for CPS @ IEEE CASE 2020

The 2020 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) ( will be held on 20-24 August 2020 in Hong Kong. The IEEE CASE is the flagship automation conference of the IEEERobotics and Automation Society and constitutes the primary forum for cross-industry and multidisciplinary research in automation. Members of this IFAC TC 9.3 - Control for Smart Cities have been actively involved in the organization of this conference. We announce the following open invited session. 

      Qing-Shan Jia, Guangxin Jiang, Giulia Pedrielli, Yijie Peng
      Simulation Analytics for Cyber Physical Systems

Invited session identification code: at681
      Modelling, Simulation and Validation of Cyber-physical Energy
      Systems; Causal Models; AI-Based Methods
      SS: Automation for Energy and Sustainability
      We propose to organize a special session on Simulation Analytics in the upcoming CASE2020. Simulation analytics is an umbrella to cover the following research topics for dealing with new challenges for integrating simulation, data, and decision making. First, data-driven simulation modeling: how to extend the data-driven ideas to complex stochastic models that provide causal representations for real data-generating processes. In machine learning, the data-driven concept is limited to relatively simple black-box models that fit the data well statistically but offer no causal presentation. Second, simulation input uncertainty: how to quantify input uncertainty in analyzing the performance of simulation models. In data-driven stochastic modeling, input uncertainty is inevitable. Third, simulation-based learning: how to efficiently learn an optimal decision surface for a simulation model under all possible scenarios of the environment. Previous performance analysis has been based on point estimates by simulating the model under given scenarios, but these scenarios may not accurately reflect the real environment due to input uncertainty. Last, simulation-assisted prognostics: how to use a simulation model driven by currently observed data to generate future and hidden data, so that prognostic decisions can be made using the simulated data. 


Submission Deadline: Mar. 29, 2020

NOTE THAT there is a joint submission option with RA Letters (a SCI indexed journal organized by IEEE RAS). Papers accepted through this joint submission channel will be published in RA Letters and presented at CASE 2020 (a double opportunity for the visibility of your work!).