Chair and Vice Chairs

For further membership details please contact the TC Chair via kova (at)

The 2023 - 2026 Term



TC 7.5 Chair:

Zdzisław Kowalczuk

Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

kova (at)



TC 7.5 Vice Chair (Incoming Chair):

Junmin Wang

University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA

jwang (at)






TC 7.5 Vice Chair (Symp. Steering Comm):

Paul G. Plöger

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, St. Augustin, Germany

paul.ploeger (at)


TC 7.5 Vice Chair (Education)

Anna Witkowska

Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

anna.witkowska (at)

EVC - Education ViceChair is committed to education in our IAV field and has ideas on how our community can contribute to education to improve the training of junior researchers or graduate students entering the field and the continuous learning of industrial engineers. EVC mobilizes invited researchers of interesting, emerging topics to organize and conduct workshops or tutorials in conjunction with the conferences and symposia that we organize. Formally EVC collaborates with Lucy Pao as the IFAC Education liaison is the overall umbrella of educational activities in all IFAC TCs and events.


TC 7.5 Vice Chair (Industry)

Lounis Adouane

Univ. de Technologie de Compiègne, France

lounis.adouane (at)

IVC - Industry ViceChair has an insight into the development of the industry and the state of knowledge, supports us in assessing which IAV activities are interesting for the industry and what would encourage them to participate in the events we organize, thanks to which the industry can gain momentum or from which the industry can at least benefit. It is certainly good for the IVC chairman to work sometime or at present, or have connections with the industry. Typically an IVC of academic origin has experience in industrial projects and/or has industry interests, attends conferences and makes practical contributions to these events by actively participating and writing articles for technical or plenary sessions. Formally, IVC collaborates with Tariq Samad, chairman of the IFAC Industry Standing Committee.


TC 7.5 Vice Chair (Publications)

Han-Lim Choi

KAIST, Aerospace Engineering, Korea

hanlimc (at)

PVC - Publications ViceChair is interested in promoting the science of our IAV community and is actively considering where and how publications of this community could be disseminated. For example, PVC may consider whether there is a need for a new journal or a special issue in journals related to the conferences, symposia or workshops we organize. PVC is formally working with Jie Chen and all the other TCs, and is interested in creating better links to IFAC journals and their specials, for example.


TC 7.5 Vice Chair (Social Media)

Marek Sylwester Tatara

Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

martatar (at)

SVC - Social Media ViceChair, outside of his main area of community activity, is active in social media channels, including the IFAC TC 7.5 website (to be regularly updated). SVC works with IFAC officers on an ongoing basis to inform in an interesting way about successes or other interesting events in our IAV industry and about our conference events (it's also good to write and post about your own research on social media). This VC should be interested and active on social media and interact with Linda Bushnell and Jong Min Lee (IFAC blog). It's worth noting that we have an IFAC channel on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube (icons on the IFAC website in the top right corner) where our TC should provide blog content from time to time: