Archive of Welcome Messages
Welcome Message from the 2017 - 2020 Chair
Many thanks for firstly suggesting me as an IAV 2016 chair and then in turn -as it is good tradition in the 7.5 committee- secondly being nominated and finally being elected as chair of the TC7.5. These thanks are going especially into the direction of Ljubo Vlacic - who has been the past chair and is now serving in the role of the TC Vice Chair- and also his successor Giovanni Indiveri.
- 1. the Education chair in TC75 used to be Ljubo Vlacic and will continue to be
- 2. for Chair for Publications is Keiji Nagatani (Tohoku Uni Japan)
- 3. for Social Media the our new member Thomas Wiemann from the University of Osnabrück has confirmed
- 4. the industry liaison chair will be our longstanding committee member Thnah Binh To from Volkswagen AG
- CAMS 2018
- CTS 2018
- NECSYS 2018
- NMPC 2018
- SYCRO 2018
- AAC 2019
Welcome Message from the 2014 - 2017 Chair
29 December 2014
1. Many thanks for nominating me to the TC 7.5 Chair role. From now on, we will be communicating much more frequently than it has been the case so far.
2. I would like to take this opportunity to offer our collective “thankyou” to our respectful colleague, Giovanni Indiveri, the 2011 – 2014 Chair, for his excellent leadership during his term of the duties. He set the bar high. I will take it as a great challenge and try to maintain it at least.
3. For the sake of the continuity in operating our committee Giovanni will be performing a role of the TC Vice - Chair during the 2014 – 2017 term.
4. For the same reason, Paul Gerhard Plöger, the host of our prime upcoming symposium, IAV 2016, is also appointed to the TC Vice-Chair role as he is expected to become the TC Chair for the 2017 – 2020 term.
5. Our best wishes go to Giovanni and his team in organising our important upcoming event, the 3rd IFAC Workshop on Multivehicle Systems, MVS 2015 which will be held in Genova, Italy, on May 18th, 2015 ( This is also an opportunity for me to invite you all to please consider organising the same event at any time during the 2014 – 2017 term. Please note that it is much easier to organise an IFAC workshop than an IFAC conference. Normally, the approval process is much simpler and a straight forward. I look forward to receiving your expressions of interest in due course. Thank you in anticipation.
6. Behind the scene, I was a quite busy by being engaged with the approval process for a number of conferences and workshops which sought a technical sponsorship from our committee. Among them are:
a. IFAC NGCUV 2015 (Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles) Workshop, Girona, Spain, 28 – 30 April 2015;
b. The 3rd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology Toward zero traffic accidents, FAST-zero 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 9-11, 2015;
c. the IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, 2015, Sydney, Australia, September 21-23, 2015,
d. the 11th IFAC Symposium on "Robot Control" (SYROCO 2015), Salvador, Brazil; August 26-28, 2015,
e. the 5th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, Philadelphia, US, September 10-11, 2015,
The event approval process asks for TC members who would be keen to review papers. So, from now on, I will be seeking your interest in getting engaged with the paper review task for a specific conference submission being reviewed. Of course, it will be on the IPC Chair to decide about the final cohort of the IPC members (paper reviewers).
7. My warm welcome goes to brand new committee members who have been nominated by their NMOs and have not been on the committee so far.
a. Dipl. Ing Astrid Rupp, Austria
b. Professor Emil Nikolov, Bulgaria
c. Professor Haibin Duan, China
d. Professor Zhiling Wang, China
e. Professor Michel Basset of France
f. Dr Jayesh Barve, India
g. Professor Ashok Joshi, India
h. Professor Tatsuya Suzuki, Japan
i. Professor Kazuya Yoshida, Japan
j. Dr Hakil Kim, Korea South
k. Professor Kwangsoo Kim, Korea South
l. Professor Zdzislaw Kowalczuk, Poland
m. Professor Marek Pawelczyk, Poland
n. Professor Saso Blazic, Slovenia
o. Mr Gregor Klancar, Slovenia
p. Professor Mehmet Efe, Turkey
q. Professor Veysel Gazi, Turkey
r. Assistant Professor Serhat Ikizoglu, Turkey
s. Professor Mustafa Unel, Turkey
t. Assistant Professor Yildiray Yildiz, Turkey
u. Dr Wen-Hua Chen, UK
v. Dr Paul King, UK
By now, we can share the complete list of TC members, consisting of 66 members in total – very impressive membership list indeed. Thank you all for joining the Committee.
Soon, the current membership roster will be updated accordingly.
Please do let me know if you find that some of your colleagues are not listed above. Thanks.
Ljubo Vlacic
TC7.5 Chair
Welcome Message from the 2011 - 2014 Chair
September 12th, 2011
Welcome to the Web page of the IFAC Technical Committee on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles.
The target of this Technical Committee is to promote the discussion on generic methodologies and techniques applicable to intelligent autonomous vehicles (IAVs), including mobile robots and multi-vehicle systems on land, at sea, in air or in space and to share ideas and views on future trends and emerging areas within IAVs.
Besides co-sponsoring a number of workshops, symposia and conferences, the Committee organizes, every three years, the IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV). The IAV Symposium aims at providing an opportunity for the presentation and discussion of research and development work in the general area of intelligent autonomous vehicles. Researchers and practitioners from the fields of land, air and marine robotics are brought together to discuss common theoretical and practical problems, describe scientific and commercial applications and explore avenues for future research. Following United Kingdom (1993), Finland (1995), Spain (1998), Japan (2001) and Portugal (2004), and France (2007) the 7th IAV Symposium, IAV2010 took place in Lecce, Italy on 6-8 September 2010. The next edition of the IFAC IAV Symposium shall be held in Brisbane (Australia) in June 2013. Further details will be made available on this site soon.
Your views and ideas about the current and future of intelligent autonomous vehicles and associated activities are welcome by the Committee. If you wish to contact the Committee please send an email.
Giovanni Indiveri,
IFAC TC 7.5 Chair
University of Salento, Dipartimento Ingegneria Innovazione,
Via per Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy.
email: giovanni.indiveri (at)