(new) TC 7.1. Automotive Control

Welcome Message from the Chair

Welcome to the web pages of the IFAC Technical Committee 7.1 on "Automotive Control".

For more than a century, the motor vehicle has become a symbol of freedom and quite often it remains a dream. It has been improved again and again with the passing years, but with the increasing traffic, is still a risk element. Moreover, the fossil fuels depletion, the increased oil price and the need of reducing carbon dioxide emissions dramatically conflict with an increasing demand of mobility, posing new and complex challenges to the automotive community.

The target of the technical committee on automotive control is to improve this means of transport. The researcher finds his interest in the diversity and complexity of the subsystems which make up a car. The driver must keep the highest place in the hierarchy of the interaction between man and machine. The opposite would be frustrating and the interest of the car itself would be lost. The group welcomes and favours all discussions and emerging ideas by allowing research teams from all over the world to meet regularly and take stock of their advances in research.

The integration of mechanical engineering with electronics, with the decisive contribution of control science and engineering, is the key to explain the spectacular advances made by motor vehicles in the last decades, concerning emissions, fuel consumption, safety, diagnostics and comfort, and will, of course, be the key to future progress too.

The Symposium Advances in Automotive Control (AAC) is one of these milestones: seven successful meeting have been held in Ascona, Columbus, Karlsruhe, Salerno, Monterey, Munich and Tokyo: some pictures taken at these meetings are available at this link (about 152 MB). At the same time, we will co-sponsor meetings in the related fields whose advances prove interesting to us (Intelligent Autonomous Vehicle, Safeprocess, Mechatronics, Non Linear Control etc..) and diffuse other events relating to Automotive Control by means of our Newsletter.

Please visit our web pages, and join our group "Automotive Control" on Facebook: your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Yours sincerely

Per Tunestål



The 9th IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control, AAC 2019, was held Sunday to Thursday, June 23-27, 2019, in Orléans, France. The symposium featured the following:
  • Exciting keynote talks from internationally recognized professors.
  • Technical sessions were given in three parallel tracks covering modeling, estimation and control topics in applications ranging from advanced engine and driveline control, hybrids, batteries to vehicle dynamics and safety.
  • A workshop on autonomous vehicles was conducted.
More information is available at the symposium web page.
AAC19 castle tour


E-COSM'18 was held at The South Lake Hotel in Changchun, China. It was held from September 20-22, 2018, under the auspices of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control.
E-COSM'18 was the first edition of an IFAC conference series after four successful triennial workshops since 2006. It is sponsored by the IFAC Technical Committee on Automotive Control and co-sponsored by other IFAC Technical Committees.
E-COSM'18 examines the most recent developments in the fields of engine and powertrain control and modeling, emphasizing the interplay between control design and validation, and physical modeling and simulation. The aim is to offer academic and industrial researchers and practitioners working in the automotive control sector an opportunity to meet one another and exchange views and ideas at a relatively small scale event.
Regular papers presented at E-COSM'18 are hosted and freely available online on the Science Direct website and will be citable via an ISSN and a DOI. The best papers will be considered for publication in affiliated IFAC journals. 
For more information visit http://www.ascl.jlu.edu.cn/ecosm2018/.
Venue E-CoSM18


The 8th IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control, AAC 2016, was held Sunday to Thursday, June 19-23, 2016, at Kolmården Wildlife Resort, near Norrköping, Sweden. The symposium featured the following:
  • A set of three pre-symposium tutorials to be held on the weekend Saturday 18-Sunday 19.
  • Exciting keynote talks from seven internationally recognized professors.
  • 20 sessions were given in three parallel tracks with 120 technical presentations, covering modeling, estimation and control topics in applications ranging from advanced engine and driveline control, hybrids, batteries to vehicle dynamics and safety.
  • A benchmark problem was designed and distributed for the development of fuel optimal control of trucks on a given road slope profile, there were 6 benchmark participants' and their results were presented, and followed by a panel discussion. Where everyone was invited to participate in the discussion.
  • The TC meeting was also held in the dolphin aquarium. 
 For more information see the symposium website that contains the program and practical matters. 
Kolmarden Wildlife Resort


E-COSM'15 was held at The Blackwell Inn on the campus of The Ohio State University, in Columbus, Ohio, USA. It was held from August 23-26, 2015, under the auspices of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control.
E-COSM'15 was the fourth edition of a workshop series created in 2006. It is sponsored by the IFAC Technical Committee on Automotive Control and co-sponsored by other IFAC Technical Committees. After three successful editions organized and hosted by Institut Francais du Petrole Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) in France, E-COSM moved to the United States, and was hosted by The Ohio State University’s Center for Automotive Research and SIMCenter.
E-COSM'15 examines the most recent developments in the fields of engine and powertrain control and modeling, emphasizing the interplay between control design and validation, and physical modeling and simulation. The aim is to offer academic and industrial researchers and practitioners working in the automotive control sector an opportunity to meet one another and exchange views and ideas at a relatively small scale event.
Regular papers presented at E-COSM'15 is hosted and freely available online on the Science Direct website and will be citable via an ISSN and a DOI. The best papers will be considered for publication in affiliated IFAC journals. 
For more information visit e-cosm2015.osu.edu.
OSU Campus

TC Meeting in Cape Town

The last meeting of TC 7.1 was held in Cape Town during the last IFAC World Congress, on Wednesday 27 August 2014, 12.00-13.00, Prince Edward/Schappen (Westin Hotel).

During the meeting, the status of the TC Automotive Control and a summary of the activities performed in last triennium was presented by the outgoing Chair, prof. Gianfranco Rizzo. Then, future plans for the TC and the program for the AAC16 Symposium was presented by the incoming TC Chair prof. Lars Eriksson.  

Slides are available here.

TC Meeting @ Cape Town


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The TC 7.1 has created the group Automotive Control on Facebook. Join us!




The "Automotive Control" group has been created on LinkedIn: join us!

Previous Website

The previous version of the IFAC TC website can be found at the address: http://www.ifac-automotivecontrol.org