TC Chair Elections
TC Chair Elections
- construct a list of the available candidates for the incoming TC chair;
- organize a vote in the TC by email (if required, i.e. the list is not a singleton)
- send the name of the preferred candidate to CC-chair and cc-ed to the IFAC secretariat.
Further information:
- Current terms for TC Chairs expire in 2014 at the upcoming IFAC World Congress in Cape Town, South Africa.
- The next term for the TC Chairs begins at the 2014 Cape Town Congress and terminates at the 2017 IFAC Congress in Toulouse, France.
- The TC Chairs for 2014-2017 will be officially elected by the Incoming Technical Board.
- October 1st, 2013, diffuse a Call for candidatures via Newsletter. Every TC 7.1 Regular Member (at October 1st, 2013) can be candidate (Junior Members cannot be candidate).
- Before October 15, 2013, candidates should send their personal data with max one page of program via email to (Subject: TC Chair Candidature).
- October 15, 2013: the list of candidates will be published on the TC website, at this link:
- Before October 31st, 2013, the TC Members may express one preference by sending an email to (Subject: TC Chair Voting). The voters must sign their vote (i.e. is not a secret voting). The electorate is composed of every TC 7.1 member at October 1st, 2013, including Junior Memebrs.
- Before November 15, 2013: The election results (the number of votes received by each candidate) will be published on the TC website, communicated to IFAC TB and diffused to the TC Members via Newsletter. The names of the voters will not be published.
Lars Eriksson
Dear Technical Committee,
After having received several questions I have decided to candidate for the position of TC 7.1 Chair for the period 2014-2017.
Short biography:
Lars Eriksson is an Associate Professor of Vehicular Systems at Linköping University with the main responsibility for the engine control laboratory. Since 1994, he has been working as a researcher in the field of modeling and control of powertrains with research that is performed in close collaboration with industry. As a researcher he has authored and coauthored more than 100 papers in peer reviewed journals and conferences and he is currently an Associate Editor of Control Engineering Practice. As a teacher he has developed and taught several courses on this subject, both at the university and for industry. At Linköping University he is responsible for the course “Modeling and Control of Engines and Drivelines” which has been given on the subject since 1998.
The main efforts during the upcoming period will be on:
- Continue the work started by the previous TC chairs and building a large committee for the Automotive Control area. This is recognized as important since it is through collaboration and interaction that we learn and progress.
- Collaborate with conferences and journals that cover or touch the area of Automotive Control to ensure high quality contributions and publications from the Automotive Control field.
- Support educational efforts for both engineering students, practicing engineers, and researchers that want to develop their skills in field of Automotive Control.
- Continue spread and promote the facts about how challenging and fun it is to work in the field of Automotive Control.
Publications page:
Kind regards,
Lars Eriksson